200 Knollwood Road Ext. Elmsford, NY 10523
Check-in: 10:00
Lunch: 11:00
Shotgun Start: 12:30
Hors d’ oeuvres: 16:00
Dinner & Awards: 17:00
Cost: $150.00 Members $175.00 Non-Members (cost includes: All golf, lunch and dinner)
Contact: Al Bailas (914) 441-2137 abailas@aol.com
W.A.M.A., Attn: Golf Outing, P.O. Box131, Purchase, NY 10577
Slots are open till the day of; no one will be turned away.
Dinner Sponsor $700.00 each
Lunch Sponsor $600.00 each
Beverage Sponsor $500.00 each
Golf Ball Sponsor $450.00 each
Closest to the Pin $400.00 each
Longest Drive $400.00 each
Straightest Drive $400.00 each
Putting Contest $400.00 each
Hole Sponsor $350.00 each
We are also looking for Gifts that can be included in our Hospitality Package given to all tournament participants, such as golf balls, tees, towels etc. (approximately 144) However, we would greatly appreciate any donations and/or door prizes!
SPONSORS, PAY ON LINE DURING REGISTRATION, or CALL / EMAIL: Burt Stimson at (973) 479-3686 or bstimson@aviall.com
Rain Out Date Tuesday, September 18th, 2013
For Directions go to website: http://www.kccclub.org/
Westchester Aircraft Maintenance Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 131
Purchase, NY 10577
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions? email: admin@wamahpn.org
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